Our relational approach proves more efficient and effective for both parties, resulting in fewer false-starts and more lasting matches based not only on professional skills, but shared values, aligned expectations, and complementary working styles.
For candidates, our thorough process—which includes both an in-depth interview to get to know you and a coaching session for your own interview— means we can pitch you far more compellingly than larger, impersonal firms, and our long history of industry contacts and referrals. means you’re a personal recommendation, not just a name on a piece of paper.
Hiring Companies
For hiring companies, our rigorous screening process means we only work with highly qualified, high-performing candidates, and the extensive vetting and preparation we do on our end means you’re getting polished performers from the start.
Fulfilling careers start with strong relationships.
And that’s where Newcastle starts, too, bringing together candidates and companies for the continued success of all.
Based in Chicago and led by Marc Basil, who brings more than 25 years of experience and networking relationships to the search and recruitment process, Newcastle goes far beyond resume-pushing and mass-market tactics and comes to know each candidate as a person as well as a professional. Only then do we introduce the candidate to just the right companies in the fields of finance, accounting, tax, treasury, and audits.